Updates from Local 764

A Message from President Pat White

Posted on January 18, 2025

January 17th, 2025
A Message from President Pat White

Dear 764 members,I’m writing to make an urgent plea to each one of you to make an immediate donation to help our IATSE kin who have been tragically affected by the Los Angeles wildfires. All donations, large or small are urgently needed to support those who have lost everything.My heart is breaking, having just participated in a sobering webinar for IATSE leaders led by International President Matt Loeb and other International officers. As I write, we know of 315 IATSE members who have lost their homes during the past ten days.  8,100 live or were living in the evacuation zones, and about 5,000 are still evacuated.  This includes some Local 764 members.

The situation is dire, and the IATSE community is helping in as many ways as we can.  You can see all of the ways to help by visiting the special IATSE webpage at https://iatse.net/socal-fires/ where there is also an extensive list of resources for any affected persons, if you have friends or family suffering the effects of this tragedy.The best way for most of us to help from 2,800 miles away is to give money, immediately.  I know that work has been slow for many 764 members, and that everyone has financial obligations of their own. Some of us already give generously to personal charities.  But—imagine if you had gone to work 10 days ago and had never been able to return to your home.  Imagine if you needed to leave home in a matter of minutes, with only the possessions you were able to quickly scoop into a bag.  Imagine losing all your possessions, including the roof over your head.Other locals were there for Local 764 workers after Hurricane Sandy and 9/11, and we must stand with our LA kin now.  I know many of you, and I know your good hearts, and I know you will help.Whether you can give only $5.00 or can give a huge amount, please do it, and do it as soon as you can.  The need is urgent.  Local 764 is making a large donation, but we can do so much more if each of our members chips in.  If you have already contributed , thank you. If you have not, I ask you–please. All amounts, small and large are appreciated and put to immediate good use helping members.Thank you.In Solidarity,Pat


The IATSE’s WALSH DITOLLA SPIVAK FOUNDATION provides financial support for IATSE members in need due to catastrophic natural disaster situations.  Members may donate directly to the fund either through the IATSE or Local 764.

Through the IATSE:

Pay by check:Make your check out to: Walsh DiTolla Spivak Foundation. In the memo write “Wildfire Relief.”You may mail it to the IATSE office with ATTN: Wildfire Relief:
IATSE General Office
207 W. 25th St, 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10001

Through the IATSE Paypal Link:
Log into your paypal account (www.paypal.com).  In the “Send Money” field enter iatsepayments@iatse.net (this is not an email address) and click “Next” to make your donation. Please type “Walsh DiTolla Spivak Foundation” to answer the question “What is this for?”
Through Local 764:
You may send a donation to the Walsh DiTolla Spivak Foundation by using Local 764’s payment link.  Local 764 will submit the payment with your name to the Foundation. You will receive confirmation of the submission.

To pay by payment link
Click Local 764’s payment link below and enter your details. You may use a credit or debit card, or you can do a withdrawal from your bank account. In the field entitled “What is this payment for?” write “Walsh DiTolla Spivak Foundation”To make donations over the phone with a credit card or debit card, you may call the office 9 – 5 beginning on Tuesday January 21st and ask for Brittney Fields at 212-957-3500  x30.


Unfortunately, this tragedy has created the opportunity for scammers.  The IATSE has reports of fraudulent crowd sourcing campaigns set-up to collect money using information on the addresses of houses affected by the fires that is publicly available.  In these instances, the victims are unaware that their addresses are being used for fraud.

If you receive a Go-Fund-Me or other crowd-sourcing donation request for a particular person, check with that person to make sure they know the account exists.